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The area under the ROC curve of a classifier is estimated using the trapezoid method.





Additional slots and values passed to struct_class.


A AUC object. This object has no output slots.


A AUC object inherits the following struct classes:

[AUC] >> [metric] >> [struct_class]


M = AUC()

D = iris_DatasetExperiment()
XCV = kfold_xval(folds=5,factor_name='Species') *
      (mean_centre() + PLSDA(number_components=2,factor_name='Species'))
XCV = run(XCV,D,MET)
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors
#> Warning: ‘>=’ not meaningful for factors