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Getting Started

The latest versions of struct and MetMashR that are compatible with your current R version can be installed using BiocManager.

# install BiocManager if not present
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {

# install MetMashR and dependencies

Once installed you can activate the packages in the usual way:

# load the packages

Import Daphina data

This study consists of LCMS peak tables of HILIC_POS and LIPIDS_POS assays collected from samples of Daphnia magna. In this section we import the tables of data for the MS1 peaks recorded for each sample. We will use this data in a workflows to align the MS2 annotations with the MS1 peaks. In practice there might be accompanying statistics e.g. t-test p-values indicating the importance of a features for a study. For brevity in this vignette we only import peak quality information, in the form of Relative Standard Deviations (RSD).

Here, we import the MS1 level feature meta data for each assay and store it as a data.frame that we use later on in the workflow.

# import HILIC_POS
HP <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(
        package = "MetMashR"
    sheet = "HILIC_POS",
    rowNames = FALSE,
    colNames = TRUE
# rename columns
colnames(HP)[1] <- "id"
# append assay to feature id
HP$id <- paste0("HILIC_POS_", HP$id)
# convert some columns to numeric
HP$rsd_qc <- as.numeric(HP$rsd_qc)
HP$rsd_sample <- as.numeric(HP$rsd_sample)

# import LIPIDS_POS
LP <- openxlsx::read.xlsx(
        package = "MetMashR"
    sheet = "LIPIDS_POS",
    rowNames = FALSE,
    colNames = TRUE
# rename columns
colnames(LP)[1] <- "id"
# append assay to feature id
LP$id <- paste0("LIPIDS_POS_", LP$id)
# convert some columns to numeric
LP$rsd_qc <- as.numeric(LP$rsd_qc)
LP$rsd_sample <- as.numeric(LP$rsd_sample)

Import and clean Compound Discoverer annotations

Here we implement a workflow to process the Compound Discoverer outputs for each assay. Labels are added to aid with filtering in later steps. For duplicate annotations we select the annotation with the highest mzCloud match score. We retain annotations with a Full Match and disregard the rest. Finally we match the MS2 peaks to the MS1 peaks.

cd_workflow <-
    # import source
    import_source() +

    # add useful labels
        labels = list(
            source_name = "CD",
            assay = "placeholder"
    ) + # placeholder replaced later

    # filter low quality
        column_name = "compound_match",
        labels = "Full match",
        mode = "include"
    ) +

    # resolve duplicates
        group_by = c("compound", "ion"),
        default_fcn = .select_max(
            max_col = "mzcloud_score",
            keep_NA = FALSE,
            use_abs = TRUE
    ) +

    # match MS1 to MS2
        variable_meta = HP,
        mz_column = "mz",
        rt_column = "rt",
        ppm_window = 5,
        rt_window = 20,
        id_column = "id"
    ) +

    # ppm difference MS1 vs library
        obs_mz_column = "mz_match",
        ref_mz_column = "theoretical_mz",
        out_column = "ms1_lib_ppm_diff"

We need to apply this workflow to each assay. For convenience we store the sources for each assay in a list.

# prepare sources
cd_sources <- list(
    HILIC_POS = cd_source(
        source = c(
                package = "MetMashR"
                package = "MetMashR"
        sheets = c("Compounds", "Compounds")
    LIPIDS_POS = cd_source(
        source = c(
                package = "MetMashR"
                package = "MetMashR"
        sheets = c("Compounds", "Compounds")

Now we are ready to apply the workflow to the sources. Note that because the labels we are adding are specific to the assay we need to update this input parameter of the workflow before apply it to the source. Again we store the applied workflow in a list for convenience.

# place to store results
CD <- list()

# set labels
cd_workflow[2]$labels$assay <- "HILIC_POS"
# apply workflow
CD$HILIC_POS <- model_apply(cd_workflow, cd_sources$HILIC_POS)

# set labels
cd_workflow[2]$labels$assay <- "LIPIDS_POS"
# apply workflow
CD$LIPIDS_POS <- model_apply(cd_workflow, cd_sources$LIPIDS_POS)

CD Quality Assurance

In the CD workflow we computed ppm and retention time differences between the mzCloud library used by Compound Discoverer and the MS2 experimental data.

If the peak of the distribution is off centre this can be indicative of e.g. retention time or m/z drift.

If there are a lot of annotations with a large difference vs the library then these can be excluded by adding e.g. a filter_range workflow step.

# MS2 vs library
C <- annotation_histogram(
    factor_name = "library_ppm_diff",
    vline = c(-5, 5)
g1 <- chart_plot(C, predicted(CD$HILIC_POS)) + ggtitle("MS2 vs library")

# MS1 vs library
C <- annotation_histogram(
    factor_name = "ms1_lib_ppm_diff",
    vline = c(-5, 5)
g2 <- chart_plot(C, predicted(CD$HILIC_POS)) + ggtitle("MS1 vs library")

# layout
cowplot::plot_grid(g1, g2, nrow = 1)

The ppm and retention time differences between the MS1 and MS2 features (peaks) can also be indicative of analytical problems.

# prepare chart
C <- annotation_histogram2d(
    factor_name = c("ppm_match_diff_an", "rt_match_diff"),
    bins = 30
chart_plot(C, predicted(CD$HILIC_POS))

The LIPID_POS assay (not shown) only has 2 matches, so the chart is not informative for that assay.

Import and clean LipidSearch annotations

Similarly to the CD sources, here we implement a workflow to process the LipidSearch outputs for each assay. Labels are added to aid with filtering in later steps. For duplicate annotations we select the annotation with the lowest ppm difference vs the library. We retain only LS annotations with Grades A and B.

# prepare workflow
ls_workflow <-
    # import raw file
    import_source() +

    # add labels
        labels = c(
            assay = "placeholder", # will be replaced later
            source_name = "LS"
    ) +

    # filter by grade
        column_name = "Grade",
        labels = c("A", "B"),
        mode = "include"
    ) +

    # resolve duplicates
        group_by = c("LipidIon"),
        default_fcn = .select_min(
            min_col = "library_ppm_diff",
            keep_NA = FALSE,
            use_abs = TRUE
    ) +

    # match MS1 to MS2
        variable_meta = HP,
        mz_column = "mz",
        rt_column = "rt",
        ppm_window = 5,
        rt_window = 20,
        id_column = "id"
    ) +

    # ppm difference MS1 vs library
        obs_mz_column = "mz_match",
        ref_mz_column = "theor_mass",
        out_column = "ms1_lib_ppm_diff"

Next we prepare the LipidSearch source objects:

# prepare sources
ls_sources <- list(
    HILIC_POS = ls_source(
        source =
                package = "MetMashR"
    LIPIDS_POS = ls_source(
        source =
                package = "MetMashR"

Now we can apply the LipidSearch workflow to the LipidSearch sources:

# place to store results
LS <- list()

# set labels
ls_workflow[2]$labels$assay <- "HILIC_POS"
# apply workflow
LS$HILIC_POS <- model_apply(ls_workflow, ls_sources$HILIC_POS)

# set labels
ls_workflow[2]$labels$assay <- "LIPIDS_POS"
# apply workflow
LS$LIPIDS_POS <- model_apply(ls_workflow, ls_sources$LIPIDS_POS)

LS Quality Assurance

We can assess drift in m/z and/or retention time using histograms of ppm and differences vs the library like we did before.

# MS2 vs library
C <- annotation_histogram(
    factor_name = "library_ppm_diff",
    vline = c(-5, 5)
g1 <- chart_plot(C, predicted(LS$HILIC_POS)) + ggtitle("MS2 vs library")

# MS1 vs library
C <- annotation_histogram(
    factor_name = "ms1_lib_ppm_diff",
    vline = c(-5, 5)
g2 <- chart_plot(C, predicted(LS$HILIC_POS)) + ggtitle("MS1 vs library")

# layout
cowplot::plot_grid(g1, g2, nrow = 1)

We can also check for analytical issue by comparing the MS1 and MS2 ppm and retention time differences.

# prepare chart
C <- annotation_histogram2d(
    factor_name = c("ppm_match_diff_an", "rt_match_diff"),
    bins = 30
chart_plot(C, predicted(LS$HILIC_POS))

Mashing all sources / assays

Now that we have imported and cleaned the individual sources we can combine them into a single annotation_table. This table can the be further cleaned and augmented with additional information as required.

Here, we use the normalise_strings object to clean and tidy metabolite names to improve matches when searching for inchikey’s using PubChem and LipidMaps APIs.

We then use the inchikey’s to obtain pathway information from the PathBank metabolite database.

Imported statistics for the MS1 peaks are joined with the annotation table and used to quality filter the MS1 peaks based on an assessment of quality (RSD of the QC samples < 30).

Finally, we collapse the table such that each MS1 peak has a list of possible annotations.

For the vignette we used cached results, which we prepare now.

cache1 <- rds_database(
    source = file.path(
        system.file("cached", package = "MetMashR"), "cache1.rds"
cache2 <- rds_database(
    source = file.path(
        system.file("cached", package = "MetMashR"), "cache2.rds"
cache3 <- rds_database(
    source = file.path(
        system.file("cached", package = "MetMashR"), "cache3.rds"
cache4 <- rds_database(
    source = file.path(
        system.file("cached", package = "MetMashR"), "cache4.rds"

Next we prepare the workflow and then apply it.

WF <-
        source_col = "annotation_source",
        keep_cols = ".all",
        matching_columns = c(
            Compound = "compound",
            Compound = "LipidName",
            Ion = "ion",
            Ion = "LipidIon",
            theoretical_mz = "theor_mass",
            LipidClass = "Class"
    ) +
        search_column = "Compound",
        output_column = "normalised_compound",
        dictionary = c(
            # custom dictionary
                # replace "NP" with "Compound NP"
                    pattern = "^NP-",
                    replace = "Compound NP-"
                # remove terms in trailing brackets e.g." (ATP)"
                    pattern = "\\ \\([^\\)]*\\)$",
                    replace = ""
                # replace known abbreviations
                    pattern = "3-Fluoro NNEI",
                    replace = "3-Fluoro-nnei",
                    fixed = TRUE
                    pattern = "Υ-L-Glutamyl-L-glutamic acid",
                    replace = "Tyr-Glu-Glu"
                    pattern = "AcCa",
                    replace = "CAR"
            # update tripeptides
            # remove racemic information
            # replace greek characters
    ) +
        query_column = "normalised_compound",
        search_by = "name",
        property = "InChIKey",
        suffix = "_pubchem",
        cache = cache1
    ) +
        query_column = "normalised_compound",
        context = "compound",
        context_item = "abbrev",
        output_item = "inchi_key",
        suffix = "_abbrev",
        cache = cache2
    ) +
        query_column = "normalised_compound",
        context = "compound",
        context_item = "abbrev_chains",
        output_item = "inchi_key",
        suffix = "_abbrevchains",
        cache = cache3
    ) +
        column_names = c("InChIKey_pubchem", "inchi_key_abbrev", 
        output_name = "inchikey",
        source_name = "inchikey_src",
        source_tags = c("pubchem", "lm_abbrev", "lm_chains"),
        clean = TRUE
    ) +
        query_column = "inchikey",
        output_items = ".all",
        output_fields = ".all", suffix = "_cf",
        cache = cache4,
        delay = 5
    ) +
        query_column = "inchikey",
        database_column = "InChI.Key",
        database = PathBank_metabolite_database(),
        include = c("Pathway.Name", "Pathway.Subject", "Species"),
        suffix = "",
        not_found = NA
    ) +
        new_columns = rbind(HP, LP),
        by = c("mzrt_match_id" = "id")
    ) +
        column_name = "inchikey"
    ) +
        group_by = "mzrt_match_id",
        default_fcn = .unique(
            separator = " || "
    ) +
        column_name = "rsd_qc",
        labels = "NA",
        mode = "exclude"
    ) +
        column_name = "rsd_qc",
        upper_limit = 20,
        lower_limit = -Inf,
        equal_to = FALSE
WF <- model_apply(WF, predicted(CD$HILIC_POS))

We can explore the contents of the table. Here we generate plots to visualise the number of annotations from each source.

# pie chart of the sources of annotations
C <- annotation_pie_chart(
    factor_name = "source_name",
    label_location = "outside"
chart_plot(C, predicted(WF)) + ggtitle("Annotations per source")

Next we plot a histogram of the QC-RSD values before filtering, by indexing the relevant step of the workflow.

# histogram of the rsd-qc for annotated features (before filtering)
C <- annotation_histogram(
    factor_name = "rsd_qc",
    bins = 30,
    vline = 20
chart_plot(C, predicted(WF[12])) +
    ggtitle("MS1 peak QC-RSD", 
            "Features with QC-RSD<20 were removed by the workflow.")

In this plot we present a bar chart of the different molecular classes present in the final table.

# bar chart of the superclasses
C <- annotation_bar_chart(
    factor_name = "superclass.name_cf",
    legend = TRUE, label_type = "none"
chart_plot(C, predicted(WF[10])) + ggtitle("Superclasses")

Finally we use the PubChem API to generate an image of the molecular structure for one of the metabolites.

# display one of the metabolite structures
C <- pubchem_widget(
    query_column = "normalised_compound",
    row_index = 1,
    record_type = "3D-Conformer",
    display = FALSE,
    hide_title = FALSE,
    height = "820px"

chart_plot(C, predicted(WF))

Session Info

#> R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
#> Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/ 
#> LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/;  LAPACK version 3.10.0
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#> time zone: UTC
#> tzcode source: system (glibc)
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] tidyr_1.3.1                   patchwork_1.2.0              
#> [3] ggplot2_3.5.1                 metabolomicsWorkbenchR_1.15.2
#> [5] MetMashR_0.99.0               struct_1.17.0                
#> [7] BiocStyle_2.33.1             
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#>  [1] tidyselect_1.2.1            blob_1.2.4                 
#>  [3] dplyr_1.1.4                 farver_2.1.2               
#>  [5] filelock_1.0.3              fastmap_1.2.0              
#>  [7] BiocFileCache_2.13.0        digest_0.6.37              
#>  [9] lifecycle_1.0.4             RSQLite_2.3.7              
#> [11] magrittr_2.0.3              compiler_4.4.1             
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#> [15] tools_4.4.1                 utf8_1.2.4                 
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#> [21] labeling_0.4.3              htmlwidgets_1.6.4          
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#> [29] abind_1.4-8                 withr_3.0.1                
#> [31] purrr_1.0.2                 BiocGenerics_0.51.1        
#> [33] desc_1.4.3                  grid_4.4.1                 
#> [35] stats4_4.4.1                fansi_1.0.6                
#> [37] colorspace_2.1-1            scales_1.3.0               
#> [39] MultiAssayExperiment_1.31.5 SummarizedExperiment_1.35.1
#> [41] cli_3.6.3                   rmarkdown_2.28             
#> [43] crayon_1.5.3                ragg_1.3.3                 
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#> [49] stringr_1.5.1               zlibbioc_1.51.1            
#> [51] ggthemes_5.1.0              BiocManager_1.30.25        
#> [53] XVector_0.45.0              matrixStats_1.4.1          
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#> [67] cowplot_1.1.3               stringi_1.8.4              
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#> [71] GenomicRanges_1.57.1        UCSC.utils_1.1.0           
#> [73] munsell_0.5.1               tibble_3.2.1               
#> [75] pillar_1.9.0                htmltools_0.5.8.1          
#> [77] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.12     dbplyr_2.5.0               
#> [79] R6_2.5.1                    textshaping_0.4.0          
#> [81] evaluate_0.24.0             lattice_0.22-6             
#> [83] Biobase_2.65.1              highr_0.11                 
#> [85] openxlsx_4.2.7              memoise_2.0.1              
#> [87] bslib_0.8.0                 Rcpp_1.0.13                
#> [89] zip_2.3.1                   gridExtra_2.3              
#> [91] SparseArray_1.5.34          xfun_0.47                  
#> [93] fs_1.6.4                    MatrixGenerics_1.17.0      
#> [95] pkgconfig_2.0.3